Friday, August 8, 2008

Fill primitives in Silverlight

Silverlight defines a number of brush types to fill primitives and geometry objects. A Brush "paints" an area with its output. Different brushes have different types of output. The following examples describe the different types of brushes and their usage:

SolidColorBrush: Paints an area with a solid color.

<Rectangle Width="50" Height="50"
  Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10"

LinearGradientBrush: Paints an area with a linear gradient.

<Rectangle Width="50" Height="50"
  Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="70">
      StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0">
        Color="Blue" Offset="0.0" />
        Color="Transparent" Offset="1.0" />

RadialGradientBrush: Paints an area with a radial gradient.

<Rectangle Width="50" Height="50"
  Canvas.Left="70" Canvas.Top="70">
        Color="Green" Offset="0.0" />
        Color="Transparent" Offset="1.0" />

In LinearGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush, the ramp of colors to use on a gradient is defined by the GradientStop elements.

ImageBrush: Paints an area with an image.

<Rectangle Width="150" Height="166"
  Canvas.Left="70" Canvas.Top="10">
      Stretch="None" />

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